Monday, December 7, 2009

Phunny Phone Phaces

Phaces in strange Places! This I noticed kept coming up for me from time to time this term. Half the time I would just pull out my phone and not even realize that I was taking sometime an ordinary object and tweaking what it was with these quick shots. Some were taken more recently when I knew that I wanted to do this idea for my presentation make up grade, and others were taken earlier, but it is very interesting how many times these thing would be overlooked if not looking for something of the sort.


A couple goggly clock images. It really adds a very personality defining aspect to the time of day in the house. Mustache time???

This is just an image that I managed to capture while driving down I-5, look close and you can make out the creepy face in the plume, kinda cool!

^----Lamp Nose? Shower Nose? ----v

^ Stare deep, deeeep into my sockets! v

^^^^Truly Electrifying!^^^^

Hheh, I just can't get enough of these two guys! Gets me every time :P

You got something on your lip man!

Fin! (Phin?)

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